247 Live Culture Entertainment Signs Multi-Talented Hip-Hop/R&B Artist, Dexter Kelly
247 Live Culture Entertainment Signs Multi-Talented Hip-Hop/R&B Artist, Dexter Kelly
By: Vianca Mireya
247 Live Culture Entertainment is proud to announce the signing of Dexter Kelly to our roster. Dexter Kelly is a rising, multi-talented Hip-Hop and R&B artist located in Los Angeles. His music is evidence of his commitment to his art form and aesthetic vision. He continually changes and reinvents himself, pushing the limits of what is typical within the genres with each new song. With his cross-genre appeal and prominent presence in the acting world, his undeniable talent continues to set the pace.
Dexter Kelly Feat. YN Slatt - Batman
Dexter Kelly, is an established, rising star in the music and entertainment industry. His fusion of genres and expressive storytelling makes him a true innovator. His unique style combined with his stage presence has allowed him to build a path to success that continues to open the door to other opportunities.
Artist Dexter Kelly
Adding to his impressive resume, Dexter Kelly is also a featured actor and athlete in the highly acclaimed CW series “All American,” further solidifying his status as a multifaceted talent on the rise. As part of the 247 Live Culture Entertainment family, Kelly is poised to reach new heights and expand his career even further. With a dedicated team behind him, we are excited to embark on this new journey.
In addition to joining our family, Kelly is also currently developing many new projects including his upcoming EP, Thanks To You, which is set to be released Valentine’s Day.. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting releases from Dexter Kelly as he continues to make his mark.
Instagram: @dexterkellyy
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247 Live Culture Entertainment