Navigating Rejection and Redirection
Photo Credit: fizkes
By: Jordan King
I know…I know things were supposed to go that way, but they went this way. It is very normal to feel frustration and disappointment when things may not go completely as we envision. Developing the patience and foresight to see how a change in plans could actually be a blessing in disguise is both a power and a response that will certainly aid you as you continue to become your full version of yourself!
Purpose of Planning
It’s common to hear of the idea of a long-term, five-year plan when trying to conceive or make sense of where you want to end up in life. Even a short-term plan of three to six months is seen as a necessity when looking ahead. To be honest, a lot of life and circumstances are left up to chance and preparation. Choosing to work on building yourself and your skill set is more ideal than being focused on specific goalposts that can change at a whim due to outside forces. Having an idea or even a general target is fine to maintain a structure towards what you’re working on, while also allowing yourself to be flexible within the journey.
Reflection on Path
Our world, both digital and real, can be quite noisy and distracting. Many things vie for our attention, finances, and energy, making it borderline exhausting to keep up or even keep track of ourselves at times. Slowing down and taking the time to step back and observe can help with insight and drive, as well as avoid being wasteful with our time. Seeking out some outside perspectives from trusted sources can aid in our decision-making, as well as allow us to see our own actions from a different lens.
Meaning within the Mission
Part of the beauty in something working against our favor, even if it may have been considered a dream or passion project, is the fact that all things tend to come and work together on their own schedule. Practicing a mix of patience and action within the discomfort brings both some understanding to the situation as well as purpose. Continuing to show up and consider all available options will enhance our own drive, as well as build resilience as we continue to forge our paths and create our dreams.
As much as it can seem at times that we possess little control over things when they go wrong or don’t seem to work out; we actually make up for that sense of lack through our ability to react to and redirect situations that aren’t initially ideal. It’s cliché to discuss things happening or not for a reason, or as part of a greater plan; however, a situation boils down only to your perspective of how to handle it and what to do to improve. Staying positive and open-minded will help things turn out in your favor!