Natural Hair Care: Eco Styler Gel Is Cancelled
By: Emily-Ann
It looks like the natural hair care community has made a decision! Eco styler gel has been voted off the island. Recently, videos all over youtube have surfaced and many are expressing their thoughts on the subject. Our naturals are sharing their concerns, and cariogenic effects and their harmful properties. I knew this was going to happen eventually. I am not going say I haven’t circulated a few coins in this product. Personally, I was not impressed with the product and what it did in my hair. We may love the end results of having your edges laid and your baby hair’s acting right but at what expense?
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Being educated and working in the healthcare field this is very concerning. I read the ingredients and wasn’t impressed or surprised what was listed. We should be just as health-conscious of our bodies concerning what we consume and place on it. I remember getting some solid advice, which stated “ If you won't put it on your skin don’t put in on your hair. Arm yourself with the information so you can make the best hair care products decisions for your natural hair.
Now I have done a little bit of research, and the FDA approves these ingredients. They claim no more than 5% should be in one product. If you are applying this product over a long period of time, imagine what you are doing to your hair, skin, and body with chronic exposure. Although, Eco Styler gel states that only use 1% of these ingredients in their hair care products. One percent is too much for me. I rather use alternatives that are much healthier and better for me. Side effects along with the chemical names are listed below!
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Triethanolamine (buffing agent and fragrance)
Skin,eye, and hair irritation
Itchy watery eyes
Dry and brittle hair (something that I experienced more often with my first use of this product)
Bladder/ liver cancer
Changes in testicles
Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate (perseverative)
Skin, eye irritant
Respiratory irritant
Cancer causing
Release of Formaldehyde
Polysorbate 20 (alcohol, yet again mix with another chemical it’s toxic ethylene oxide)
Skin allergies
Damaging animal organs
Tetrasodium EDTA (preservatives)
Causes cancer
Brakes down skin
Cause skin condition like eczema
Potent eye irritant
I have provided a few links below that goes into detail about the side effects of each chemical. Type in the chemical name and the description will pop up. I hope this has helped you make up your mind when it comes to ditching that eco styler gel. Opt for more natural way of laying those edges. Share with us any new alternatives that can get the same result without the high health risk. I am very interested in what you guys recommend!
>> SEE ALSO: Breaking the Rules: Natural Hair Treatment Tips
Share and comment with us your views on this topic and more. Until next time naturals, information is power!
ECO Styler Gel is CANCELED!!! | Bri Hall - Resouces for all the ingdieants listed and their side effects. - Link to Eco Styler Gel website and ingredients
Meet Emily-Ann Brown, contributing writer to 247 Live Culture!